Our Mission/Vision:
To “Change the Face of Hospitality” to include African American workers as a permanent, valued and significant part of Unionized Hospitality Sector establishments.
Equality and Inclusion in Hospitality, Inc. (EIHI) is committed to increasing the self-sufficiency of under-represented workers by expanding hospitality related employment opportunities of San Francisco Bay Area residents while providing employers access to a skilled group of individuals ready for employment in the San Francisco Bay Area Unionized Hospitality Sector.

Our Services
The Hospitality Initiative (HI), is a collaborative project housed under the EIHI umbrella since 2012. EIHI, in collaboration with The San Francisco Hotel/Restaurant Labor/Management Education Fund, UNITE HERE Local 2, Hospitality Sector Employers and Community Based Organization partners identify members/participants who meet the HI Program Requirements and are interested in increasing their self-sufficiency by securing employment in the Hospitality Industry. After recruitment and screening activities are complete, qualified candidates who also have a passion for service are prepared for successful careers in San Francisco Bay Area unionized Hospitality establishments (hotels; restaurants; arenas; and convention centers.)
EIHI’s Hospitality Initiative offers a broad range of services to job seekers that are responsive to the workforce development needs of its Employer Partners.
These services include:
Hospitality Training
Communication Skills
Team Building Skills
Customer Service
Conflict Resolution
Labor Relations
& Employment Rights
Job Readiness Training
Resume development & interviewing skills
Employment Related Training and Services
Paid On the Job Training
(up to 100 hrs.)
Employment & Retention
Related Supportive Services
Equality and Inclusion in Hospitality, Inc.
1250-A Fairmont Drive
Suite 321
San Leandro, CA 94578
Registered 501(c)(3)
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